Below is a selection of art - both digital and physical - some shot by myself and some by other photographers but reinterpreted by myself. 

Digital artwork of Malaysian gymnast Farah-Ann Abdul Hadi

Cross-brush/drawing digital image of a gymnast created from a photograph using Adobe Photoshop
Experimental dub photo I made of a gymnast on the London Underground

Artistic reinterpretation of a shot of US gymnast Bridget Sloane

Textile-effected digital edit of Russian gymnast Aliya Mustafina gone carbonated

Cannot remember the gymnast in the picture but another digitally manipulated image focusing on outlines

Alicia Sacramone

A couple of years ago Alicia Sacramone did a photo shoot for the "body" issue of ESPN magazine. Here is some photos I have "remixed" from that shoot plus a few extras I have edited of Alicia. Enjoy!

Aly Raisman

Below are some images that in their original form appeared in another "body" issue of ESPN Magazine this time featuring Aly Raisman. Again, I have "remixed" these myself.


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