Everything you need to know about booking is here

FOR COMPETITION SHOOTS - Please get in touch with me and leave as much information as you can about the competition venue, the date and time of the event (including duration) and how many competitors there are. If I'm being hired by a gymnastics club for a artistic or rhythmic competition it would be good if I could speak with the head coach so I can chat about the competitors and what their best piece of apparatus is so I can try and catch the best of the action. Some kind of list with competitors numbers would be useful.
As I currently have little experience of doing competitions at present I feel, as a way of serving my apprenticeship, that it would be fair to work for photos only. There is no fee for my services.

As part of my service I will provide all of the photos to the club / competition organizer on a USB within 2 weeks of the event (possibly sooner). If you need prints please ask and we can discuss.

IMPORTANT : Please let me know if you need to see DBS info or if the event organizer is organizing this.

SOLO/ART SHOOTS - When getting in touch with me leave your name, age (if under 18), gymnastic discipline and your location. I will be in touch asap (usually within 48 hours but if you email at weekends I sometimes don't get back to my e-mail until Monday so please be patient). I'm taking on a number of paid shoots at the moment (me paying gymnasts to collaborate that is) so if you are interested please get in touch. I'm also happy to do part-pay shoots where I pay you a smaller amount plus items of use i.e. leotards. Please inquire for more info.

E-mail address is : . Please put booking enquiry in the subject header.


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